How Opalescence Boost Chairside Whitening Works

How Opalescence Boost Chairside Whitening Works

Posted by NORTHTOWNE DENTAL Jan 19, 2023

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Tooth discoloration is a common complaint of patients of all ages. As we age, our teeth naturally begin to darken, and stains can become more noticeable. Coffee, wine, tobacco, and other food and drinks can also stain or discolor teeth.

Why Do Stained Teeth Need Whitening?

Discolored teeth can affect your confidence and self-esteem, but the good news is that you don’t have to live with yellow or discolored teeth forever. Our dentist may suggest chair-side whitening to help you achieve the bright, white smile you’ve always wanted. One option we offer is Opalescence Boost®, an in-office treatment that can whiten your teeth up to eight shades in just one appointment!

How Does Boost Teeth Whitening Work?

Opalescence Boost uses a special formula that includes ingredients that break down stains on contact while slowing down future discoloration. No matter what caused your stained teeth – drinking coffee, wine, soda, or using tobacco – we can erase it from your smile quickly with a fast-acting solution like Opalescence Boost. It’s a simple procedure that requires no messy trays or strips. Instead, we’ll apply the gel directly to your teeth and use an LED lamp to speed up the whitening process. There’s no sensitivity with the gel, and it is specially formulated to be kind to your teeth and gums. For optimal results, however, it’s best to avoid consuming dark-colored foods and beverages like coffee and tea or smoking tobacco products. Patients should also maintain a regular oral hygiene routine at home that includes brushing twice a day and flossing once a day.

While the results of this whitening system are immediate, they can last up to a year with proper oral care at home and regular visits to the dentist. This solution is safe and effective for almost everyone, and our dentist will determine if you’re a good candidate during your appointment. 

If you’re ready to say goodbye to your stained teeth for good, contact our dental office today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your best possible smile with Opalescence Boost.

If it’s time for a brighter, whiter smile and you don’t want to wait weeks for the results you want, call us at 505-797-1000 or visit our dental office located at 5900 Cubero Drive NE, Suite B, Albuquerque, NM 87109.

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